Legacy Therapy

Megan's Unexpected Story

Episode Summary

Megan Bozzuto joins us today to talk about her husband who had a stroke on a business trip in Las Vegas last year. She had to find someone to watch her three young children, hop on a flight to Vegas, and when she got there he was unable to speak because of the stroke. She was left with many unanswered questions. How would they get home from Las Vegas? Who should she notify in his company that this happened to him. He was responsible for paying all of their bills and was suddenly unable to communicate. How would she find the logins to get in to pay their bills in time? This situation made her very aware of the gaping holes in their emergency/legacy planning.

Episode Notes

Megan Bozzuto received a phone call from her husband in Las Vegas while he was mid-stroke and unable to communicate. Upon her arrival at the hospital in Las Vegas, she was met with many unanswered questions and uncertain situations. She had to deal with insurance to get flights booked to transport him back to the hospital in Boston, arrange care for her children for several weeks while she stayed in Vegas with her husband, and more. This opened her eyes to the world of pre-planning and the blessing that it is when you’re put in a stressful, emergent situation.

Key Takeaways:

To purchase the Emergency Info File course, please visit:


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