Legacy Therapy

Mom's Story Unfolded

Episode Summary

Jill Lublin joins us to share the heartbreaking story of having to buy back her mother’s sentimental possessions from an auction house after she was moved to a group home because of her dementia. Jill took on huge financial responsibility for her mom’s end of life care due to poor planning. She is here to say “Get it together NOW before it’s too late.”

Episode Notes

In this episode, Jill Lublin shares a cautionary tale for anyone on the fence about legacy planning. They discuss all of the unforeseen hoops you may need to jump through to receive insurance benefits, unclaimed money, etc. if you don’t have it all explicitly laid out ahead of time. Get it together now, so things don’t go wrong later.

Key takeaways:

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Jill’s FREE masterclass on publicity to help you get your messaging correct and out into the world:


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